Jo Hoagland
Jo Hoagland is an ardent actor, director, and theatre artist with a particular passion for
Shakespeare and classical text. They love utilizing old stories and words in new ways to share fresh stories and perspectives. Last spring, they directed a post-apocalyptic, open-gender production of Julius Caesar in the round that inspired audiences to think about the role that gender plays in our perception of time, power, relationships, and the text itself. As a queer artist, they are passionate about breaking the molds of expectation and tradition in the industry. In their free time, they love to crochet, read, play DND, and explore new places. Jo made their stage debut at age five in 12 Dancing Princesses, and although they know they will never again play a role as profound as the 11th Princess, they look forward to graduating with their BFA in acting
and diving headfirst into the world of professional storytelling